Im AMPEL-Labor werden die folgenden Projekte bearbeitet:
- Standardized Tracking of Remote Head and Gaze Movements for Automated Assessment and Dispense of Individualised Varifocals (STRADIVari)
- Virtual Reality Simulation of Spectacles (VR-SPECTACLES)
- Eye hand coordination in spatiotemporally modified vision (ComplexAdapt)
- Automated Measurement of Distortion (DISTORTION)
- Objective Comparison of Progressive Addition Lenses Field Widths (PALCompar)
- Objective Measurement of Adaptation to Progressive Addition Lenses (PALAdapt)
- Analyse der Sehleistungen bei Blinden nach Implantation eines elektronischen subretinalen Implantats
- Smart Ocular Motility Analysis (SOMA)
- Gaze guidance for cross-modal compensation of sensory deficits (SensComp)
- Attention guidance via acoustic and visual signaling (AcoustGuide)
- Automated extraction and comparison of exploratory eye movements in highly dynamic, responsive environments (AutoScanpath)
- Validation and optimization of binaural signal processing in real life situations (BinauralSignal)
- Entwicklung repräsentativer, standardisierter Nachtfahr- und Blendungs-Szenarien in einem Fahrsimulator (GlareSim)
- Gebrauchstaugliche Informationen
Weitere Informationen zu den einzelnen Projekten folgen in Kürze.